A Win – No Ban Act Passes the House – Pertinent to Vote Trump Out

For more than three years, the Trump administration has done what it can to stop Muslims, refugees, asylum seekers, and many others from entering our country. The passage of the National Origin-Based Anti-discrimination for Nonimmigrants (NO BAN) Act is a major step toward ending discrimination in our immigration laws and policies.​ It happened- In the … More A Win – No Ban Act Passes the House – Pertinent to Vote Trump Out

World Zionist Congress Embraces LGBTQ Initiatives

The 37th World Zionist Congress currently taking place in Jerusalem for the first time is setting up a unit to work with the LGBTQ Jewish community. Within the framework of Pride Month, the World Zionist Organization (WZO )has established a Unit for Activities with the LGBT community that will operate in three spheres: The central one will … More World Zionist Congress Embraces LGBTQ Initiatives

More than 80,000 LGBT Dreamers

81,000 ‘Dreamers’ identify as LGBT and 39,000 have participated in DACA. As our country continues to push back against racial inequality and structural violence, this report highlights the importance of sound policy to preserve the health and safety of marginalized populations. Created in 2012, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program allows undocumented immigrants … More More than 80,000 LGBT Dreamers

In Defeat of Trump Supreme Court Blocks Attempt to End DACA

Immigrant communities and the many Americans with heart are rejoicing today at this news which comes as a HUGE defeat for Trump and a triumph for immigrants: Today the Supreme Court protected DACA- our Dreamers are safe for now from the monstrous hell they have been through by this administration and its supporters, now in … More In Defeat of Trump Supreme Court Blocks Attempt to End DACA

Marin’s Sheriff Doyle Should Resign as SCOTUS Rules Against Trump Challenge of California Sanctuary Law

Today the Supreme Court rejected the Trump administration’s challenge to California’s sanctuary law, which restricts state and local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration agents. Over the dissents of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, the court denied review of a lower-court ruling that concluded the 2018 state law does not interfere illegally with federal immigration … More Marin’s Sheriff Doyle Should Resign as SCOTUS Rules Against Trump Challenge of California Sanctuary Law

Important COVID-19 Virus Pandemic Resources for Immigrants, Advocates and Allies

The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) at Hastings in San Francisco has compiled a bilingual (English/Spanish) COVID-19 resource guide for immigrant communities, advocates, and allies. Protecting the health of our most vulnerable community members during the COVID-19 pandemic, while continuing to fight for their rights. On this page HERE is a list of … More Important COVID-19 Virus Pandemic Resources for Immigrants, Advocates and Allies

NAHJ Rescinds FOX NEWS Sponsorship for Conference and Returns the Money

Fox News Radio Host, Todd Starnes, justifies his prejudiced language directed against Latino immigrants as opinionated commentary. Hugo Balta, President of the National Association for Hispanic Journalists has announced the decision of the organization to rescind the invitation of Fox News as a sponsor for NAHJ at the upcoming Excellence In Journalism (EIJ19) conference in … More NAHJ Rescinds FOX NEWS Sponsorship for Conference and Returns the Money

TPS Lawsuit: March to Protest Trump Attempt to Deport 400,000 Long-Term Residents

Immigrants & Allies March – March to Precede Hearing on Appeal of Ninth District Court Decision that Temporarily Blocked Cancellation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS)  On August 14, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear a Trump administration challenge to a preliminary injunction – issued by a federal court last year — that prevented … More TPS Lawsuit: March to Protest Trump Attempt to Deport 400,000 Long-Term Residents

Planned Raids – Helping Immigrant Communities – What You Can Do

After postponing last month’s planned immigration sweep, the Trump Administration is now preparing to launch a series of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids across major U.S. cities including Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York, and San Francisco. These raids, which are scheduled to commence on Sunday, will harm … More Planned Raids – Helping Immigrant Communities – What You Can Do

Liberian Immigrants Sue Trump over Humanitarian Protection

BOSTON, MA –The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and Lawyers for Civil Rights jointly filed a lawsuit today challenging President Donald Trump’s termination of humanitarian protection and relief for immigrants from Liberia. The lawsuit, the first of its kind in the country, was filed on behalf of African Communities Together (ACT), the UndocuBlack Network, … More Liberian Immigrants Sue Trump over Humanitarian Protection

LGBTQ Asians Defend California’s Sanctuary Laws

Amicus brief urges US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to Block Trump Administration’s Challenge to CA Laws Protecting Undocumented Immigrants Today, March 13, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit hears oral arguments in U.S. v. California, the Trump Administration’s lawsuit against California’s sanctuary laws that regulate state employers and law enforcement to protect … More LGBTQ Asians Defend California’s Sanctuary Laws

Court Rules Trump Policies Denying Asylum Protections to People Fleeing Domestic and Gang Violence Are Illegal

Washington, D.C. (December 19, 2018) – A federal court has struck down Trump administration policies that sought to gut asylum protections for immigrants fleeing domestic violence and gang brutality. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) challenged the administration’s new “expedited removal” policies when they were put forth by then-Attorney General … More Court Rules Trump Policies Denying Asylum Protections to People Fleeing Domestic and Gang Violence Are Illegal

Passionate Residents call on Marin BOS for County Sanctuary at TRUTH Forum

The Truth Act, signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown in September 2016, requires local governing bodies in which local law enforcement has provided ICE access to an individual to hold a community forum to receive and consider public comment. Last night the Marin County Board of Supervisors held such a forum at the Civic … More Passionate Residents call on Marin BOS for County Sanctuary at TRUTH Forum

Trump Seeks Court Order for Indefinite Detention of Children

Trump Administration Seeks Court Order to Allow for Indefinite Detention of Children with Parents; Ignores Smart, Cost-effective and Humane Alternatives to Detention Washington, D.C. – As directed by the President’s executive order issued on Wednesday, the Trump Justice Department has filed a request on Thursday to amend a federal court order – the “Flores Agreement” … More Trump Seeks Court Order for Indefinite Detention of Children

Trump Administration’s Separation of Families is more than Child Abuse

While the President of American Academy of Pediatricians calls out  Family Separation as “Nothing Less than Government-Sanctioned Child Abuse”, I call it another step along the path of the Nazi trajectory of 1939! Last night, as detention centers reached capacity, filled with kids ripped from their parents, the administration announced that it will open the first … More Trump Administration’s Separation of Families is more than Child Abuse

Outrage Over Trump Policy Mounts as DHS Separates Children from Parents

Washington, DC – Nationwide, observers are castigating the Trump administration’s inhumane policy of separating children from their parents. As David Leopold, Partner and Chair of Immigration for Ulmer & Berne and former President of American Immigration Lawyers Association, explained in an interview with MSNBC’s Katy Tur: “What we have going on at the border and … More Outrage Over Trump Policy Mounts as DHS Separates Children from Parents

Marin Opposes U.S. Immigration Policy in Court

Citing civil rights, County joins amicus brief in support of recent state laws San Rafael, CA – The County of Marin is among 23 California jurisdictions supporting the State of California in opposing federal efforts to block three of the state’s immigration laws. In the United States District Court Case U.S. v. State of California, … More Marin Opposes U.S. Immigration Policy in Court

ICYMI: “A family is torn apart: Siblings fight to save their home after their parents are deported.”

How many of these stories am I going to have to post? Washington, DC – Three siblings in Bridgeton, NJ are struggling to keep their family home after their parents were deported. In late 2017, mother and father Humberta and Oscar Campos were deported to Mexico, after years of living in the United States under … More ICYMI: “A family is torn apart: Siblings fight to save their home after their parents are deported.”

Horrific Nazi Tactic Raid Nets 32 Fathers by ICE Agents in Eastern Iowa

Federal and local law enforcement officials arrested 32 men on what they described as administrative immigration violations during a raid early Wednesday. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials wouldn’t confirm where the raid took place, but at about 11 a.m. Iowa State Patrol officers blocked off the entrance to MPC Enterprises — Midwest Precast Concrete — … More Horrific Nazi Tactic Raid Nets 32 Fathers by ICE Agents in Eastern Iowa

The Cruel America of Trump and Sessions: Where Children are Torn from Loving Parents

Separating Children from Parents as a deterrent to immigration? This is OUR America!?! How could we? My great grandmother was ‘forced’ to separate from her two youngest children when faced with her “Sophie’s choice” during the anti-Jewish Pogroms of Eastern Europe, sending two small children to an orphanage in a remote corner of the globe, … More The Cruel America of Trump and Sessions: Where Children are Torn from Loving Parents

Trump has “Already Told 1 Million Immigrants Who Had Legal Protections To Get Out”

Washington, DC –  Elise Foley of HuffPost puts the latest disturbing news about the end of TPS for Hondurans into a larger context, explaining in a new must-read article “more than a million people in total who have been living and working legally in the U.S. who, thanks to Trump, now face an uncertain future, … More Trump has “Already Told 1 Million Immigrants Who Had Legal Protections To Get Out”

WAPO: “The Trump administration’s new plan to punish legal immigrants”

“In the administration’s plan, working-class immigrants would be penalized if they claimed practically any benefit for which they qualified — even the earned-income tax credit, which is used by tens of millions of American workers and whose effect is to promote employment.” >Washington, DC –  For all the focus on Trump’s assault on undocumented immigrants … More WAPO: “The Trump administration’s new plan to punish legal immigrants”

Colorado Congressman Silent on Children Separated from Parents

What is Congressman Coffman Doing for the Children? –  Trump Administration Separating Hundreds of Children from their Parents WASHINGTON, DC – On Friday evening, a New York Times report detailed how the Trump Administration is separating hundreds of children from their parents at stations along the southern border. The practice is part of the Administration’s larger agenda of targeting, separating, and deporting … More Colorado Congressman Silent on Children Separated from Parents

Trump Admin Full Steam Ahead to Reshape America’s Treatment of Immigrants and Refugees

Washington, DC — Congress may be essentially done for the year, but the Trump Administration is moving forward aggressively to fundamentally reshape the way America treats immigrants and refugees. Just in the past few weeks alone, we’ve seen the Trump administration: Abandon ICE’s presumed release policy that kept most pregnant women out of immigrant detention facilities; … More Trump Admin Full Steam Ahead to Reshape America’s Treatment of Immigrants and Refugees

SCOTUS Ruling Stings Immigrants in Detention

In a long awaited opinion, the Supreme Court in Jennings v. Rodriguez disappointingly reversed an appellate court decision holding that U.S. immigration statutes do not authorize immigrants to be held indefinitely and affording those individuals bond hearings after six months to evaluate if detention remains justified. The Supreme Court sent the case back to the appellate court to consider the constitutional limits of the statutes, if any, … More SCOTUS Ruling Stings Immigrants in Detention

Responses to Trump State of the Union Address

CGRS Responds to State of the Union Address, Condemns White House Immigration Framework San Francisco, CA (January 31, 2018) – The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) condemns the hardline immigration policies promoted in yesterday’s State of the Union address, including measures that target asylum seekers. Despite disingenuous calls for unity, President Trump has … More Responses to Trump State of the Union Address

FOX News Poll Overwhelming Support for Pathway to Citizenship for Dreamers & Undocumented Immigrants

With Trump Disapproval ratings in the HUGE range! Washington, DC  –  A new FOX News poll is the latest in a swell of recent national polls to find overwhelming support from Americans, including Republicans, for Congress passing legislation that puts Dreamers on a path to citizenship.  Some key takeaways: 57% disapprove of the job President … More FOX News Poll Overwhelming Support for Pathway to Citizenship for Dreamers & Undocumented Immigrants

California Chief Justice Urges Sessions and Kelly to Stop Stalking Immigrants

California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye sent a letter sent to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on March 16, urging federal authorities to stop “stalking” undocumented immigrants at state courthouses. Here is the letter: Dear Attorney General Sessions and Secretary Kelly: As Chief Justice of California responsible for the safe and fair delivery … More California Chief Justice Urges Sessions and Kelly to Stop Stalking Immigrants

What Trump’s Inauguration Means to this Jewish Mother Lesbian Activist

As I write this it has come to my attention that Trump has been sworn in and within minutes the Department Of Labor has removed all reference to LGBT equality while the White House has removed reference to climate change from their respective websites…. I was awakened this morning at about 4.00 am by the formidable and … More What Trump’s Inauguration Means to this Jewish Mother Lesbian Activist