VOTE for Welcome – Campaigning for Candidates who will stand up for Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Since Trump began his 2016 presidential campaign he jhas made a concerted effort to attack immigrants. For almost 4 years, we have lived through constant attacks – most especially on asylum seekers, refugees, Muslims and People of Color, hardest hit by Trump’s xenophobic racist overt trajectory toward hateful policies. The 2020 elections are approaching and … More VOTE for Welcome – Campaigning for Candidates who will stand up for Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Gov. Newsom Announces Steps to Ensure California’s 2020 Election Safe and Accessible,

Gov. Newsom Announces Executive Order That Takes Steps to Ensure California’s 2020 Election Is Safe and Accessible, More Action Needed   Voting rights advocates call on the state legislature to mandate safe, accessible in-person voting locations and to appropriate funds necessary to make California’s November 2020 election a success Voting rights advocates applaud the Executive Order … More Gov. Newsom Announces Steps to Ensure California’s 2020 Election Safe and Accessible,

What Marin County Learned About Local Election Results

Canvass of votes is ratified by Board of Supervisors San Rafael, CA – Following the Marin County Board of Supervisors’ ratification of the local November 6 Statewide General Election results, there are a few statistics about voter tendencies that stand out. The Board accepted the canvass of votes offered by Register of Voters Lynda Roberts … More What Marin County Learned About Local Election Results

NAACP President Calls Kavanaugh Confirmation “Devasting Blow”

Move Signals Dark Days Ahead for Civil Rights Communities – America Deserves Better BALTIMORE (October 6, 2018)—NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson released the following remarks regarding the Senate confirmation of nominee Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. “The U.S. Senate’s decision today to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is devastating blow to our democracy. … More NAACP President Calls Kavanaugh Confirmation “Devasting Blow”

Women Flood the US Capitol with Mass Sit-Ins, Chanting Ahead of Kavanaugh Vote

Hundreds arrested for taking over the US Capitol steps as women and survivors promise: this is only the beginning Washington, D.C. — Today, after weeks of survivors turning their pain into action and building grassroots power across the country, thousands of women flooded the US Capitol to protest just moments before the final vote on … More Women Flood the US Capitol with Mass Sit-Ins, Chanting Ahead of Kavanaugh Vote

Women’s March To Host Our Votes Matter Event

Featuring Reps. Yvette Clarke and Andre Carson |Power to the Polls event to mobilize the formerly incarcerated, feature roundtable discussion and press announcement highlighting ways to combat voter suppression happening across the nation. Washington, DC — On Wednesday, September 12, 2018 from 11am-2pm, Congressional Representatives Yvette Clarke (D-NY) and Andre Carson (D-IN), and former Ohio … More Women’s March To Host Our Votes Matter Event

78,000 Transgender People may be Prevented from Voting by Strict Voter ID Laws

Strict voter ID laws may present a barrier to voting for transgender people who do not have identification reflecting their correct gender. An estimated 137,000 transgender people who have transitioned will be eligible to vote in the November 2018 election in states with strict voter ID laws, but an estimated 57%—approximately 78,000—of them may not … More 78,000 Transgender People may be Prevented from Voting by Strict Voter ID Laws

Marin County | California Voting My Recommendations and Endorsements

Many of you have received your mail in ballots for the coming June 05, 2018 election. I want to stress the importance of voting for ALL and to take note of the down ballot as well as the top of the ballot races.  Every office up for election plays an important part in the workings … More Marin County | California Voting My Recommendations and Endorsements

Why this Progressive Liberal Endorses and Will Vote for Senator Dianne Feinstein

California Democrats rebuked Sen. Dianne Feinstein at their annual convention this weekend, denying her the party’s endorsement in this year’s Senate race, and giving a majority of their votes to her apparently more liberal primary challenger, Kevin de León. While many may slot Feinstein in the ‘moderate’ zone, I have seen her, through the years, as … More Why this Progressive Liberal Endorses and Will Vote for Senator Dianne Feinstein

To Bernie Supporters Who Say They Will Vote for Jill Stein

Please check your privilege – and consider voting with those who have none  – At the beginning of this presidential campaign and for several months thereafter, I was undecided whether to support Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. It was Bernie’s progressive platform that captivated me and I vied for the revolution. He won. He shifted … More To Bernie Supporters Who Say They Will Vote for Jill Stein

Two of US Most Anti-LGBT Lawmakers Toppled in Primary Battles

Voters in CO and UT also make history, handing victories to two transgender candidates for Congress    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Two of the nation’s most virulently anti-LGBT legislators lost their primary elections on Tuesday night. South Carolina state Senator Lee Bright’s 52-48 loss in a runoff election with former Representative Scott Talley comes after he introduced legislation that … More Two of US Most Anti-LGBT Lawmakers Toppled in Primary Battles

10 Facts Showing Trump is Lying that LGBT People Support Him

I have been watching the Trump bullshit machine at work. The man cannot seem to think logically beyond his shoot from the hip rhetoric.    After the Orlando massacre, a tragedy that left 49 LGBT people dead, most of whom are Hispanic, and  immigrants or children of  immigrants, Trump gave several speeches, where he suggested that … More 10 Facts Showing Trump is Lying that LGBT People Support Him

Ugandan Communications Commission threaten to Arrest Citizens for using Social Media

Yesterday Ugandans went to the polls to vote in a general election for President.  In a robust campaign, where many sought change from the 30 year dictatorial reign of Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan media outlet WBS TV published a message alleging that the Ugandan Communications Commission (UCC) is threatening to arrest those people for treason, … More Ugandan Communications Commission threaten to Arrest Citizens for using Social Media

Vote OPDG for National Diversity Awards 2015

June 19, 2015, By Oblogdee. The African Lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender and intersex organization Out and Proud Diamond Group (OPDG) , based in the United Kingom, has been nominated in UK National Diversity Awards 2015 under the category of Community organizations. These awards celebrate the excellent achievements of grass- root communities that tackle the issues … More Vote OPDG for National Diversity Awards 2015

The Importance of Ireland’s Popular YES Vote in the Global LGBT Arena

Why the Irish Vote in favor of marriage equality is so important to Homophobic Countries  and leaders perpetuating lies about LGBTI people By Melanie Nathan, May 24, 2014. Ireland has become the first country in the world to legalize marriage equality by popular vote in a national election. On Friday, May, 22, 2015, Irish voters … More The Importance of Ireland’s Popular YES Vote in the Global LGBT Arena

GAY U.S.A. Elections 2012 Vote Obama

Tomorrow’s vote for President Barack Obama represents the single most important vote the lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and intersex community will ever make – my opinion. While we may still find ourselves with an obstructionist congress, that allows for very little, if any, pro-equality legislation in the USA, setting the tone, maintaining the dignity of … More GAY U.S.A. Elections 2012 Vote Obama


My dear Iranian friend  whose name I must withhold went to vote in California at the designated poll. The many Iranians voting felt that the day presented an opportunity for positive change in Iran. The excitement was evident. When my friend arrived he stood  awhile waiting to cast his vote and then to his dismay found out that there were … More IRAN