Speaker Accuses World of Bullying Uganda’s Ambassadors as Protests Against Anti-Gay Laws Mount

Ugandan Speaker Kadaga and Ambassadors should brace themselves for much more as the the World Community will not tolerate institutionalized persecution of LGBTI people. 

By Melanie Nathan, January 10, 2014.

Screen Shot 2013-12-21 at 8.03.00 AMUgandan Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga has a lot invested in the Anti-Homosexuality Bill and for that reason is again lashing out at a world that is telling her that the Bill stinks! Her legitimacy may ride on this Bill as she perceived it as a victory – a much needed one given her the constant mess of the Parliament that she oversees.

The controversial and somewhat sub-par speaker has lashed out at foreign countries accusing them of “harassing Ugandan diplomats” over the recently passed anti-homosexuality bill.

Kadaga, who presided over the Parliamentary session during the passing of the odious bill on December 20th, has requested that countries back off, saying Uganda is a sovereign country and makes its own decisions. Kadaga made the comments during her address to Ugandan ambassadors who were appearing before Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee. The speaker noted that she had been briefed that some of the ambassadors “were being harassed over the recently passed bill, describing the act as bullying.”

Of course Kadaga forgets the impact of Uganda’s operation in the world and how this Bill makes such impossible.  A country that prides itself on tourism, a country that wants foreign investment and AID and yet is willing to isolate itself because it enacts a law that make it difficult to function in the global arena.  At what point do bad laws tip the scale between sovereignty and prudence?

The Anti-Homosexuality law will probably be held by Uganda’s Courts to be unconstitutional.  Touting sovereignty does not serve Uganda, as it defies the United Nations message and the International Declaration of Human Rights. It also fails to follow the protocol of the Speaker’s own Human Rights guidelines, as published on parliament’s website, where the Speaker noted, in stark contradiction:

Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament has urged Members- “to always ensure that the bills and motions they consider pass the human rights compliance test.”   See http://oblogdeeoblogda.me/2013/09/11/does-ugandan-speaker-kadagas-launch-of-human-rights-checklist-impact-the-anti-homosexuality-bill/

According to the tabloid Red Pepper:

Kadaga  “wondered why these countries are picking on Uganda, citing an example of US President Barrack Obama who tried to talk about homosexuality while in Senegal, but was stopped by that country’s President Mackay Sall.”

“Kadaga went ahead to attack Richard Branson, British businessman and investor who called for Uganda to be blacklisted by donors over the anti-gay law. Kadaga says Branson has invested heavily in Nigeria where the same law was passed but foreign countries still associate with it. She added that there are Americans in Saudi Arabia where homosexuality is not allowed but that Americans still live there. She told the ambassadors not to accept any kind of bullying from countries they are deployed telling them to stand firm and defend the culture and decision of Uganda’s Parliament on homosexuality.”

Kadaga in citing these other countries as her excuse fails to note the unique genesis and terms of the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality bill and that no amount of citing other countries will serve to justify Uganda’s Bill or her stance.

Kadaga went on to reiterate the lies, some of which serve as a basis and attempted justification of the Bill. One such lie, continually perpetuated by Kadaga and Bahati, in pimping the Bill, was her accusation that gay rights activists promote the acts (of homosexuality) among students in schools by giving them money.

The Anti-homosexuality Bill was shoved through Parliament by Kadaga in an unorthodox and surreptitious process, where the it was omitted from the Order Papers and Parliament did not have a quorum.

President Museveni has not yet provided his assent to the bill. He recently said he needed time to study the law before taking a decision. The Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi,  tried to block the passing of the bill.  The law will be discussed in the ruling NRM party caucus.

Kadaga can whine at the world in a purported shield for her Ambassadors, but she should be warned and so should all the Ugandan Ambassadors, that the protests have only just began. It will get worse and Uganda will be isolated if the Bill is enacted to finality. Museveni is fully aware and that is why he is not jumping on its assent – as he has to placate his populace which seems to love the Bill while balancing his international image.  However that may serve Kadaga’s plans for her own political aspirations, as she uses the popularity of the Anti-Gay sentiment in Uganda to stir for her own benefit.

The international message to Kadaga will soon be clear, that her tantrum calling protests bullying is another smokescreen, given the right and duty of the world to express its disdain on behalf of a small group of people, which it believes is being persecuted through institutionalized discrimination and criminalization based on lies and myth.  Lest Rebecca Kadaga think that this anti-gay tirade of hers will cause the world and her own people to continue to allow the scape-goating through gay hate, by ignoring all the other insidious problems of Uganda.

Ugandan Passes Anti-Gay Bill

Virgina Air’s Richard Branson Calls for Boycotts of Uganda:

10 thoughts on “Speaker Accuses World of Bullying Uganda’s Ambassadors as Protests Against Anti-Gay Laws Mount

    1. Fight is good. However – what if imprisoned for 14 years. How do you fight? You need an external struggle where you are martyred and people abroad fight for your release because all organizations get shut down under the new law. So yes fight, but if it really comes to fruition the outside world will have to do most of the fighting. The real fear is arrests – because once arrested it is hard to keep fighting unless one as external allies and local lawyers.

  1. Hehehehe, let of laugh for a start. . . I was not impressed by this defeacing article of yours mr author. . . Let me tell you this. The members of parliament of Uganda represent the views of the Majority of its citizens and only submit their views upon consultation with the voters or constituents so what am trying to say is that for every view or law that is passed in that parliament is a direct representation of the the views of the Majority of Ugandans not necessarily the views of the mps. . . So to cut the story short you may bash Our motherly speaker and her entire parliament yes, that is the best that you can do but we the people of this sane nation will NEVER AT ANY INSTANCE, NOT EVEN IN THE WINK OF AN EYE accept this filthy, out of the mind, alien to our cherished cultural customs and norms, human extincting, shamefull, aborminable, out of order of nature, insane and blind . . Highly hyped stupid and foolish un cultured rootless and brain washed followed disgusting . . . .behaviour in our Land. . . Never, cut up the evil aid and we shall survive just like Zimbabwe did, say anything about human rights and we shall accuse you for ‘mass destruction of the human race’ because no man can procreate with a fellow man nor can a woman do with a fellow woman’ you idiots wake up and see this. . . The politicians that you praise are the very ones on our dailies for all sorts of poor governance. . Corruption, tribalism, and others to name but a few. . .fine if you succeed in bending their already remote controlled brains go on but we the people of this great nation will take the law into our own arms. . And put ‘necklaces’ on those evil vampires disciples that you send to pollute our morals just like winnie did. . . Finally, the thieves will stop stealing, the witches and soccerers will collect their majic, the un born will un attach from their umblical cords , the wickedest of prisoners will be given parole and every rat in its hole and pig in its sty will use the ropes that they were tied on to rally behind our notable now turned most hated speaker to defeat this vice, for GOD AND MY COUNTRY

    1. Well well and thou shalt reveal thyself in hate and self putridness. ….. hehehehehehehhe hehehehhehhe hehehhehehe
      Okay that is my moment of identifying with your insanity Mr. Okerbosim ME!

      That said, the only reason why i put up your comment through moderation is so that people can see the danger of the lies and myth that the AHB has caused to LGBT people. being homosexual was in your culture long before the colonialists came and took over so much of Africa and introduced their penal codes. And what my friend is AFRICAN about the Bible. It was the West and foreigners and Colonialists who paved the way for the Missionaries to deliver their hate. ALL the anti-gay stuff comes from the Bible and Africa fell for it! Good luck with your primitive street justice and necklaces and your hate… you will find your seat in your friend Jesus’s heaven I am sure!

    2. You really shouldn’t drink alcohol before 12 noon, or any other time for that matter, if you can’t control yourself. You’re from Orange County, CA aren’t you? Un huh!

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