Help to Stop the Criminalizing Laws against Gays in Uzbekistan

Join in and help decriminalize LGBTQI people in Uzbekistan Although the Uzbekistani Constitution guarantees privacy, equality and non-discrimination, Uzbekistan is one of the only two Central Asian countries that retain legislation criminalising private, consensual same-sex conduct between men. Article 120 of the Criminal Code in force stipulates that “bezakalbazlyk” (sodomy), voluntary sexual intercourse between two … More Help to Stop the Criminalizing Laws against Gays in Uzbekistan

Ethiopia Headed Toward Disaster and Major Refugee Crisis

The escalating civil war in Ethiopia is crossing borders, revealing massacres, and headed toward a major disaster, with a likely refugee crisis that will crush an already stretched system. There are over 70 million displaced people worldwide, a daunting task for UNHCR, agencies, civil, societies and governments involved. Africa is at its limits and refugees … More Ethiopia Headed Toward Disaster and Major Refugee Crisis

On 25th Anniversary of Beijing World Conference American Women Face Regression

The United States is at great risk of regression – not only for women, girls, LGBTQI and minorities, but also as the world leader that should be helming the very progress we now are in the midst of destroying.   Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW), which took … More On 25th Anniversary of Beijing World Conference American Women Face Regression

UNHCR Statement on Conflict in Kakuma Refugee Camp Kenya

UNHCR urges dialogue and peaceful coexistence among refugees in Kakuma refugee camp UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, called today for enhanced dialogue among refugee communities living in Kakuma to help reduce the tensions which have emerged in a specific area of the refugee camp. In recent weeks, UNHCR has received conflicting reports from different communities … More UNHCR Statement on Conflict in Kakuma Refugee Camp Kenya

Certificate of Urgency issued in Ugandan Anti-Gay COVID-19 Case

Further to our reporting on the case against the COSF-19 where on Friday 24th April 2020, Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) filed a case before the Civil Division of the High Court of Uganda challenging the denial of the 19 LGBT persons currently on remand at Kitalya Mini Maxi Prison access to their … More Certificate of Urgency issued in Ugandan Anti-Gay COVID-19 Case

UNHCR Response to COVID-19 urging International Community support for refugees

And calls on the international community to continue its valuable support to refugees, asylum-seekers and host communities during this unprecedented situation. As the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic continues, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, notes the increasing challenges faced by refugees, asylum-seekers and other vulnerable populations, and calls for continued solidarity. UNHCR appreciates the … More UNHCR Response to COVID-19 urging International Community support for refugees

UN Renews Mandate of Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Independent Expert

UN Renews Crucial Mandate for Protection Against Violence and Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identit In a defining vote, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution to renew the mandate of the Independent Expert focusing on the protection against violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. … More UN Renews Mandate of Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Independent Expert

UN LGBT Expert Says Policymakers are Making Preconceived Prejudiced Decisions

Sexual orientation and gender identity: policymakers are taking decisions in the dark, says UN expert Information about the lived realities of LGBT people around the world is, at best, incomplete and fragmented, but in most countries it is simply non-existent, said the United Nations Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual … More UN LGBT Expert Says Policymakers are Making Preconceived Prejudiced Decisions

German and Iran Foreign Ministers Face Homosexuality Question

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif met German’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas who visited Tehran on Monday, June 10, 2019 to negotiate with Iran’s leader mostly on the continuance of the Nuclear Deal. Zarif faced a challenging question during his joint press conference. While the Iranian FM answered, the German remained silent, causing consternation and later … More German and Iran Foreign Ministers Face Homosexuality Question

ILGA’s 2019 State Sponsored Homophobia Report Reveals Much Needed For LGBTQ Equality & Human Rights

On 20 March, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) launched the 13th edition of its flagship publication, State-Sponsored Homophobia, authored by Lucas Ramón Mendos. This publication compiles data on laws that affect people on the basis of their sexual orientation – a fundamental resource for researchers, civil society organisations, governments and the general … More ILGA’s 2019 State Sponsored Homophobia Report Reveals Much Needed For LGBTQ Equality & Human Rights

UN, Red Cross Pledge Action on Sexual Violence in Conflict

Heads of UN, Red Cross/Red Crescent pledge to step up action on sexual violence in conflict The United Nations and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement today pledged to step up action to prevent, end and respond to sexual and gender-based violence in and around conflict Through their work in conflict zones around … More UN, Red Cross Pledge Action on Sexual Violence in Conflict

US Gvt Appoints Hate Group Reps to Annual Women’s Rights Meeting at United Nations

On Monday, the United States Department of State announced that its official delegation to the 61st annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) includes representatives of two organizations known to oppose the UN human rights system, LGBTIQ rights, and women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. Included were the representatives from  the Center … More US Gvt Appoints Hate Group Reps to Annual Women’s Rights Meeting at United Nations

Equality Wins at UN General Assembly with Protection of SOGI Independent Expert

Today in the United Nations General Assembly, a cross-regional group of states affirmed the principles of universal human rights by blocking a hostile attempt to prevent the work established by the UN Human Rights Council of the Independent Expert on Discrimination and Violence based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. A small group of States … More Equality Wins at UN General Assembly with Protection of SOGI Independent Expert

African States sell out LGBT Human Rights in bid to end role of UN Expert

By Melanie Nathan, November, 07, 2016. Several African countries are demanding that the appointment of a United Nations expert on LGBT rights be suspended, saying his mission to report on anti-gay violence had nothing to do with human rights. In September the UN Human Rights Council appointed to a three year term, international law professor Vitit Muntarbhorn … More African States sell out LGBT Human Rights in bid to end role of UN Expert

United Nations Makes History on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

UN human rights body establishes an Independent Expert In a defining vote, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on “Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation, and gender identity”, to mandate the appointment of an Independent Expert on the subject. It is a historic victory for the human rights of … More United Nations Makes History on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Geneva Panel on Violence Against LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Detention

The 32nd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from 13 June – 1 July at the United Nations Palais des Nations. This year, following on from a 2014 HRC resolution on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity, the Council will once again consider an initiative … More Geneva Panel on Violence Against LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Detention

Shocking Exclusion by United Nations of LGBT Groups at High Level AIDS Meeting

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia, Sudan, Egypt and Uganda blocking full and fair participation The United Nations is scheduled to host a global meeting to stop the AIDS epidemic, yet several countries want to exclude groups that represent LGBTI people or drug users. From 8 to 10 June 2016, world leaders, government representatives, HIV program implementers … More Shocking Exclusion by United Nations of LGBT Groups at High Level AIDS Meeting

LGBT Refugees Panic as Kenyan Government Announces Closure of Refugee Camps

The Government of Kenya has announced that it intends to close all refugee camps in the country, and while UNHCR implores Kenya to reverse this decision, we await information as to how they plan to deal with what could be a severe crisis.  LGBT refugees, after seeing the headlines, are now extremely stressed and uncertain … More LGBT Refugees Panic as Kenyan Government Announces Closure of Refugee Camps

UN launches ‘Nelson Mandela Rules’ on improving treatment of prisoners

where the revised rules could be strengthened from a human rights perspective..
The first concerns the prohibition of discrimination,” he said, adding that he is “disappointed that sexual orientation and gender identity were not explicitly recognized as grounds for discrimination, given their recognition by most human rights treaty bodies.
More UN launches ‘Nelson Mandela Rules’ on improving treatment of prisoners

Why I am Happy that Ugandan Foreign Minister is Now President of the United Nations

He is compelled to enagage with civil societies and now lets compel him to hear LGBTI truths | Let us bombard him with appointments! By Melanie Nathan, June 14, 214. Much to the horror of the world’s LGBTI community, the United Nations has gone ahead with designating Ugandan Sam Kahamba Kutesa, Minister for Foreign Affairs, … More Why I am Happy that Ugandan Foreign Minister is Now President of the United Nations

Commonwealth Secretary General Condemns Homophobia

Speech at UN Human Rights Council in Geneva By Melanie Nathan, 02/29/2012 The Human Rights Council in Geneva  has heard it from Kamalesh Sharma, the Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Nations who  reiterated this week that homophobia is incompatible with Commonwealth values. This sends a signal from the top that persecution based on sexuality … More Commonwealth Secretary General Condemns Homophobia

reBlog from UN urges Uganda to scrap anti-gay bill – Should USA Threaten with Sanctions Before Passage?

I hope that all Countries including USA will threaten boycotts, sanctions and end to Tourism if the Bill is not scraped, rather than waiting for it to be implemented. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton was able to impact the removal of the Death Penalty portion, but I believe with the failure of Uganda to remove … More reBlog from UN urges Uganda to scrap anti-gay bill – Should USA Threaten with Sanctions Before Passage?