HRC Fails to Withdraw Endorsement of Republican Senator Despite Bigoted Comments

Since the day the preeminent LGBT organization, Human Rights Campaign (HRC) announced its endorsement in favor of Republican Senator Mark Kirk, (R-IL) the incumbent for the Illinois Senate seat,  instead of supporting the Democratic U.S. Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth who has a 100% equality rating to Kirk’s 76% , many LGBT activists have questioned the move … More HRC Fails to Withdraw Endorsement of Republican Senator Despite Bigoted Comments

Bloomsburg Fair in Pennsylvania Fails to Apologize for Nazi Flag

A Trump Win Means A Nazi America: If you think that  Donald J. Trump’s  mere candidacy is providing comfort for Nazis to come out of the woodwork, can you imagine what a presidency will invoke? By Melanie Nathan, September 26, 2016. Tonight starts the debates between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton, as the candidates … More Bloomsburg Fair in Pennsylvania Fails to Apologize for Nazi Flag

Scott Lively accuses Oxford Union of disingenuous invite to use his name to attract interest for debate

By Melanie Nathan, January 30, 2013. We have been reporting on the recent debacle between Oxford Union, the debating society, in the U.K. and Scott Lively, where something went suspiciously awry with the invitation to Lively to debate the issue of Gay parenting. In a nutshell, Oxford Union’s debate topic ‘This house would be glad … More Scott Lively accuses Oxford Union of disingenuous invite to use his name to attract interest for debate