Federal Court Rules Florida School Must Treat Transgender Students Equally

Victory! Federal Court Rules Florida School Must Treat Transgender Students Equally Including Access to Restrooms …. Drew Adams’ case was the country’s first trial involving a transgender student’s equal access to restrooms. (ATLANTA – August 10, 2020) The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed on Friday a lower court ruling that required a … More Federal Court Rules Florida School Must Treat Transgender Students Equally

Planned Raids – Helping Immigrant Communities – What You Can Do

After postponing last month’s planned immigration sweep, the Trump Administration is now preparing to launch a series of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids across major U.S. cities including Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York, and San Francisco. These raids, which are scheduled to commence on Sunday, will harm … More Planned Raids – Helping Immigrant Communities – What You Can Do

10 Facts Showing Trump is Lying that LGBT People Support Him

I have been watching the Trump bullshit machine at work. The man cannot seem to think logically beyond his shoot from the hip rhetoric.    After the Orlando massacre, a tragedy that left 49 LGBT people dead, most of whom are Hispanic, and  immigrants or children of  immigrants, Trump gave several speeches, where he suggested that … More 10 Facts Showing Trump is Lying that LGBT People Support Him

Equality Florida’s Urgent Call to Action Noting Gay Bans

URGENT CALL TO ACTION: This coming Wednesday, June 15th, Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner will ask his colleagues to stand in solidarity with our Tampa Bay and Orlando communities by doing three things: – Raise the Pride Flag at the County Center – Officially recognize June as LGBT Pride Month in Hillsborough County – Set … More Equality Florida’s Urgent Call to Action Noting Gay Bans

RIP Faces of Pulse | the 50 Precious lives lost in Orlando Massacre

Here are 36 names and faces of the 50 people brutally slaughtered by a rabid homophobe, Jihadist ISIS supporter, who may have had mental issues, who had easy access to an assault weapon, a gun he did not need, except to use to massacre these LGBT Americans and members of America’s Hispanic immigrant community.  We … More RIP Faces of Pulse | the 50 Precious lives lost in Orlando Massacre

Outpouring of Grief for and by the LGBTQI Community Mourning with Orlando

In the wake of the biggest mass shooting in American history, which took the lives of 50 people and wounded 53 more, in a LGBT nightclub massacre, politicians, organizations, and individuals in the United States and from around the world, are showing solidarity with an outpouring of grief and words of support: Equality Florida: We … More Outpouring of Grief for and by the LGBTQI Community Mourning with Orlando

Is Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick Lying About his Hateful Tweet

Just at the time when Americans should be rallying together, in the wake of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, where 53 LGBT club goers were brutally murdered and another 53 seriously injured, rabidly anti- gay Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, aka Danny Goeb, (name change to avoid debt)  has tweeted the following … More Is Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick Lying About his Hateful Tweet

Florida House & Senate Avert Disaster of Expanded Pastor Protection Bill

Legislature to clarify controversial measure and simply reaffirm current law

Screen Shot 2016-03-02 at 8.35.45 AMTallahassee – Avoiding the disastrous route of their Georgia colleagues, the Florida House of Representatives today is expected to pass an amended version of the so-called Pastor Protection bill (HB 43) to limit its scope and send the message that controversial amendments allowing discrimination would not be entertained.

The bill had been widely criticized as a vaguely worded and unnecessary duplication of existing laws that served as a Trojan Horse for more nefarious measures to be added. That was the route Georgia lawmakers took by amending their pastor protection bill last month to allow any individual or faith-based business, for-profit entity, or taxpayer-funded organization to ignore nondiscrimination protections or any law that conflicts with their religious beliefs about marriage. The state is roiling from the public outrage and the economic backlash that has been strong enough to draw the threat of a veto from the Georgia governor. … More Florida House & Senate Avert Disaster of Expanded Pastor Protection Bill

Five State Senators Kill Basic Protections for LGBT Floridians

Today five Senators killed a bill that would have provided basic protections for Floridians regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. By Melanie Nathan, Feb 09, 2016.A motion to reconsider a contentious bill banning discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people failed in a Senate panel Tuesday, signaling its virtual demise for the 2016 Legislative … More Five State Senators Kill Basic Protections for LGBT Floridians

Florida Historic First Hearing on LGBT Nondiscrimination

The Florida Competitive Workforce Act enjoys bipartisan support Posted by Melanie Nathan,  Feb 04, 2016. The Florida Competitive Workforce Act (HB 45/SB 120) will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee next Monday, February 8th at 1:30 PM. The meeting will be held in Room 110 of the Senate Office Building.  “This is a huge … More Florida Historic First Hearing on LGBT Nondiscrimination

FL House Committee to Vote on Bill Could Lead to ​Extreme Anti-LGBT Legislation

Senate Judiciary Committee has stated support for expanding the bill Posted by Melanie Nathan, February 03, 2016. The dangerous and so-called Pastor Protection Act (HB 43/SB 110) is scheduled for its last vote before reaching the House Floor in the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow morning at 9:00a.m. The bill passed through its first Senate committee … More FL House Committee to Vote on Bill Could Lead to ​Extreme Anti-LGBT Legislation

Landmark SCOTUS Case Confirms Equal Marriage for Same-Sex Couples in All U.S. States

America Has Marriage for All | History Made in Landmark SCOTUS Decision Melanie Nathan, June 26, 2015 There is no union more profound than marriage and now the Supreme Court of the United States of America  has ruled that every single person in the USA have an equal right to marriage! This morning at 10.00 … More Landmark SCOTUS Case Confirms Equal Marriage for Same-Sex Couples in All U.S. States

Taking Over Florida’s State Capitol | Racism in America

The Dream Defenders have taken over Florida Capitol to demand the #TrayvonMartinAct. Sign the petition here: http://bit.ly/fldreamdef By Melanie Nathan, July 18, 2013. Since Tuesday morning, July 16, 2013, Dream Defenders have maintained a presence at the Capitol for an extended stay to apply pressure and demand that Governor Rick Scott call for a special … More Taking Over Florida’s State Capitol | Racism in America