Moving Condolensces from Uganda to Orlando

LGBT persecution in many African countries is severe, including Uganda. There persecution is openly practiced with impunity. Violence against the LGBT community is not unusual. It is institutionalized,  and people have had to navigate years and years of their government threatening to enact the death penalty against them.  Many have gone into hiding or exile. … More Moving Condolensces from Uganda to Orlando

Equality Florida’s Urgent Call to Action Noting Gay Bans

URGENT CALL TO ACTION: This coming Wednesday, June 15th, Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner will ask his colleagues to stand in solidarity with our Tampa Bay and Orlando communities by doing three things: – Raise the Pride Flag at the County Center – Officially recognize June as LGBT Pride Month in Hillsborough County – Set … More Equality Florida’s Urgent Call to Action Noting Gay Bans

Kamala Harris Statement on Orlando Tragedy

Kamala Harris, California’s Attorney General, who is campaigning for the Califrnia U.S. Senate seat issued this statement today regarding Sunday’s Orlando tragedy: We are all shocked and saddened by the horrific events in Orlando this weekend. My heart breaks for the young lives lost, and the community, families, and friends that have been irrevocably victimized … More Kamala Harris Statement on Orlando Tragedy

South African message of condolence to US following Orlando Massacre

It am pleased to note that  South Africa’s President Zuma has issued a statement condemning the massacre of LGBT Americans.   Indeed this is an important statement to make and I am grateful for it. Yet cannot help but note the hypocrisy and in doing so – lets hope speaking out brings renewed consciousness. Here … More South African message of condolence to US following Orlando Massacre

RIP Faces of Pulse | the 50 Precious lives lost in Orlando Massacre

Here are 36 names and faces of the 50 people brutally slaughtered by a rabid homophobe, Jihadist ISIS supporter, who may have had mental issues, who had easy access to an assault weapon, a gun he did not need, except to use to massacre these LGBT Americans and members of America’s Hispanic immigrant community.  We … More RIP Faces of Pulse | the 50 Precious lives lost in Orlando Massacre

Global Vigils in Solidarity for Orlando LGBT Massacre

SAN FRANCISCO – stands with our brothers and sisters in Orlando. Please join us!  We will be joining together to mourn the loss of 50 lives and 53 injured (the last count) from the nightclub Pulse in Orlando, Fl.  Please bring candles and some to share if you can. Also, please remember to protect your … More Global Vigils in Solidarity for Orlando LGBT Massacre

Is Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick Lying About his Hateful Tweet

Just at the time when Americans should be rallying together, in the wake of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, where 53 LGBT club goers were brutally murdered and another 53 seriously injured, rabidly anti- gay Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, aka Danny Goeb, (name change to avoid debt)  has tweeted the following … More Is Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick Lying About his Hateful Tweet