Steve Hofmeyr Reports from His Queer Closet in Namibia

So Steve Hofmeyr is a famous something in Southern Africa, perhaps even Namibia. Although I am from South Africa I had never heard of him until he came out recently with some statement that perhaps the PLUS sign at the end of the LGBTQI+ acronym includes “bestiality.” I think he may be an actor or … More Steve Hofmeyr Reports from His Queer Closet in Namibia

LGBT Censorship by South African Broadcaster Complicit in Nigerian Bigotry

“To succumb to Nigeria’s draconian demands is to be complicit in prejudice and bigotry…….  dragging South Africa back into the darkest pit of Apartheid.  “  Melanie Nathan, In what appears to be a breach of South Africa’s all inclusive equality based Constitution, South African broadcaster, MultiChoice, a leading video entertainment and internet company, operating under … More LGBT Censorship by South African Broadcaster Complicit in Nigerian Bigotry