UNSETTLED: Seeking Refuge in America – Broadcast Premiere

UNSETTLED follows LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers from Africa and the Middle East as they flee persecution to seek safety in the U.S. A documentary film by Tom Shepard Airs on WORLD Channel via local PBS stations – June 28 (and on WorldChannel.org from (June 28-July 12) and radio/ live streaming interview with Tom Shepard, Melanie … More UNSETTLED: Seeking Refuge in America – Broadcast Premiere

LGBT Censorship by South African Broadcaster Complicit in Nigerian Bigotry

“To succumb to Nigeria’s draconian demands is to be complicit in prejudice and bigotry…….  dragging South Africa back into the darkest pit of Apartheid.  “  Melanie Nathan, In what appears to be a breach of South Africa’s all inclusive equality based Constitution, South African broadcaster, MultiChoice, a leading video entertainment and internet company, operating under … More LGBT Censorship by South African Broadcaster Complicit in Nigerian Bigotry