I ask Sinead MacLochlainn – What should I do if my Nurse is Antisemitic

By Melanie Nathan, May 27, 2024.

I posted a picture comment and some verbiage about the seven young Israeli women who were  kidnapped by Palestinian Hamas terrorists from their military post on October 07, 2023. It was so hard to wrap my head around such barbarism, the 8 months of ongoing torture and pain, and of course and the anguish of the mothers and families waiting for news, begging for their release. This, a cruelty hard to comport. The evidence of rape and beatings, so apparent from the videos taken with Hamas GoPROS  and uploaded by the Hamas terrorists themselves, to social media.

In response to my comment a person who claims to be an RN, named Nurse Sinead MacLochlainn on Facebook from Ireland  posted a shocking response: And it went like this:



We know the Irish sports teams have refused to shake hands and acknowledge sportsmanship toward Israeli teams. The Irish assert a strong stench of antisemitism. We smell it across the pond. The Irish are coming across as fervently antisemitic.  We have seen posts with much lashing out by the Irish against Jews, with little regard or concern expressed when Jews are brutalized and massacred. I reflect in shock and dismay that so called care givers and medical professionals  – people charged with taking care of fellow humans – have little care –  not a moment of outrage- around the October 07 barbaric massacre of Jews. This further demonstrated by the silence in the weeks before Israel launched its defensive attack on Gaza and Hamas.  This demonstrated by the failure to express outrage at rape and captivity of 18 year old Jewish women. This reflects antisemitism at its worst.

Nurse Sinead MacLochlainn  responded to the post about the brutal cruelty that these young women have gone through –  raped, held hostage and continued sexual abuse while in Hamas Terrorist captivity, with her post depicting “VICTIM CARD” and saying “ZIONISTS, FROM NOW ON THIS CARD HAS EXPIRED AND NO LONGER WORKS!! From now on the world will hold you accountable for your actions.” As if these brave young women deserved this, is beyond outrage.

I will continue to expose people such as Nurse Sinead MacLochlainn for the sake of all you Jews and all decent human beings who ought to be aware of the professionals from whom they receive care and treatment.  There are two Facebook profiles carrying this name: The one below works at WHSCT, Studied at University of Ulster Derry, and lives in Londonderry, Northern Ireland.  The other profile also calls itself by  the same name and claims to be a nurse as well. The hateful post came from the more anonymous looking FB page, seemingly designed to make hateful comments.  If  the real Nurse Sinead does not share sentiment of a fake Nurse Sinead, please come out and let the world know how you feel about caring for Jews.

I am about to go into hospital for a spinal fusion, here in the United States of America. Imagine how I would feel if I knew that a nurse treating me was a flaming antisemite. I think I would want to know…. scary….

I am the granddaughter of Pogrom refugees who were given refuge and sent to the Jewish orphanage in South Africa in the early 1900’s. No other country would have us.  Our family includes people expelled from many lands, including Arab lands. To me Zionism means simply my right to return to my Homeland – the land of my ancestry. The only place where Jews feel they belong, including me is Israel. THAT is Zionism to me and many like me.  I will not allow the stench of Nurse Ratched’s of the world to demonize who I am, my ancestry, my rights, my pride, Zionism, and the trajectory of my people.

I dedicate this piece to the survivor and my  fiery Great Grandmother Feiga Shamis – whose diary in Yiddish reflects the courage and love of a Jewish mother. After relinquishing her children to unknown lands, to save their lives, and losing some in the Holocaust, Feiga landed up in Israel in 1948. Her Homeland. There are now generations of Feiga’s offspring that the Russians and Hitler sought to extinguish, all flourishing, because of Feiga’s painful “Sophie’s choice” and because she made it to Israel.  In her name I bring your anti-Zionist shame! And Assert my Zionist Pride. I am reminded on the eve of my surgery, where I may encounter a nurse Sinead…  of the very last words in Feiga’s diary “Everything is going to be alright!”



Contact: Commissionermnathan@gmail.com

One thought on “I ask Sinead MacLochlainn – What should I do if my Nurse is Antisemitic

  1. Brilliant Mel. Way to slam open the closet door on this antisemite and her cronies! Your writing never fails to impact. I’m praying for a perfect outcome for you on May 29th! XO~K


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