CAIR Crosses the Red Line against Mayor Karen Bass

By Melanie Nathan, June 29, 2024

CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations, has also drawn controversy for its stances on LGBTQ+ issues, including its opposition to pro-LGBTQ+ materials in public school classrooms.

Damn I got sidetracked again! G-d forbid – right, especially when I had designated my limited hours this morning to preparation for an asylum case on Monday where I am testifying on behalf of a Muslim gay man from an African country who fled to the United States to escape the violence he has suffered because he is a Gay Muslim. But I will take the time to report this abomination by Council on American-Islamic Relations, (CAIR). 

Firstly who is CAIR? Well their good work includes immigration clinics for asylum seekers such as those I provide expert testimony for…. and yet they have picked up the mantle of Palestinian Hamas support in a very imbalanced manner, completely ignoring the horror of the Oct 07 massacre, other than supporting it, as evidenced by their daily emails to supporters, such as the one I will elucidate here, and the ADL report below. Now of course in America you have the freedom to side with whomever you choose. Yah! However when CAIR uses its freedoms  to defecate on the freedom of Jews, while propping up anti-semitism in their discourse- they have crossed the redline into a mortal decline that screams for rebuke. Here goes:

WHAT HAPPENED: Let me report from the New York Times perspective. Those guys do their homework:

A protest outside of a synagogue in Los Angeles’s most densely populated Jewish enclave on Sunday drew unusually swift and forceful condemnation from top Democratic leaders including President Biden, reigniting debates about the boundaries of acceptable protest as tensions over the war in Gaza continue to flare across the country.

The president, along with Gov. Gavin Newsom of California and Mayor Karen Bass of Los Angeles, joined Jewish groups in seeking to cast synagogues and other houses of worship as off-limits to demonstrators.

“Intimidating Jewish congregants is dangerous, unconscionable, antisemitic, and un-American,” Mr. Biden said in a statement posted on Monday on social media. “Americans have a right to peaceful protest. But blocking access to a house of worship — and engaging in violence — is never acceptable.”

Pro-Palestinian groups criticized that characterization, defending Sunday’s demonstration and arguing that protesting an event at a synagogue was not inherently antisemitic.

In this case, demonstrators were protesting a real estate fair at Adas Torah synagogue, where attendees were invited to meet “representatives of housing projects in all the best Anglo neighborhoods in Israel” on Sunday afternoon.

It was unclear whether some of the property sales being promoted at the event were in disputed territory that could make them illegal under international law. Similar events, which have taken place for decades, have drawn protests in the past, particularly during the current violence in Gaza.

(………  discussion on nature of event can be read in article)

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators arrived around midday on Sunday at Adas Torah, a synagogue in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood of Los Angeles, after various activist groups circulated the event flyer and called on protesters to show up.

Counter protesters supporting Israel also gathered outside the synagogue, and soon the two groups began fighting. Images posted on social media showed scuffles breaking out, punches being thrown and people chasing others down the street. Witnesses on both sides accused the other of being aggressors.


Mayor Bass said in a statement on Sunday night that she planned to meet with Chief Dominic Choi of the Los Angeles police on Monday. She asked the department to provide extra patrols in the neighborhood, as well as outside other houses of worship.

“Los Angeles will not be a harbor for antisemitism and violence,” she said. “Those responsible for either will be found and held accountable.” Ms. Bass said she also planned to convene a community meeting with faith leaders, law enforcement officials and others.

Mr. Newsom, too, described the protest as antisemitic because of its location. “There is no excuse for targeting a house of worship,” he said. “Such antisemitic hatred has no place in California.”

Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said that protests should never involve violence, but also that the right to speak out should not be limited.

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